Praise Him Club

Discernment: Understanding How to Pray According to God's Plan

As a Christian, having the ability to discern the will of God is a crucial aspect of your faith. Discernment allows you to understand what God wants for your life and how to align your desires with His plan.

In this blog post, we'll dive into the topic of discernment and explore how it can help you in your prayer life. We'll cover everything from what discernment is, to how you can develop your discernment skills, and finally, how to pray in accordance with God's plan.

So, let's get started.

What is Discernment?

Discernment is the ability to distinguish between good and evil, truth and error, and to recognize the voice of God in our lives. It's the process of seeking God's guidance and wisdom in order to make wise decisions that are in line with His will.

In other words, discernment is the process of figuring out what God wants for your life and how to achieve it.

How to Develop Discernment

Developing discernment is a gradual process that requires intentional effort and a desire to seek God's guidance. Here are a few tips to help you develop your discernment skills:

  1. Spend Time in God's Word

One of the best ways to develop discernment is to spend time in God's Word. The Bible is the ultimate source of wisdom and guidance, and it's essential to our spiritual growth.

Make it a habit to read the Bible daily and ask God to reveal His truth to you as you read. This will help you to develop a deeper understanding of God's will and how to apply it to your life.

  1. Seek Godly Counsel

Seeking counsel from wise and godly individuals is another way to develop discernment. Find a mentor or someone you trust and respect, and ask for their guidance and advice.

  1. Pray for Discernment

Prayer is a powerful tool in developing discernment. Ask God to give you the wisdom and insight you need to discern His will for your life.

How to Pray According to God's Plan

Once you've developed your discernment skills, the next step is to pray according to God's plan. Here are a few tips to help you pray in accordance with His will:

  1. Seek God's Will

Before you start praying, take some time to seek God's will for your life. Ask Him to show you what He wants for you, and be willing to listen to His voice.

  1. Pray with Faith

When you pray, pray with faith that God will answer your prayers. Trust that He knows what's best for you and that He will guide you accordingly.

  1. Be Specific

Be specific in your prayers and ask God for what you need. Don't be afraid to ask for big things, but also be willing to accept God's answer, whether it's yes, no, or wait.

  1. Pray with Thanksgiving

Finally, when you pray, don't forget to thank God for His blessings and for answering your prayers. Gratitude is an essential aspect of prayer and helps to strengthen your relationship with God.


Discernment is a crucial aspect of our faith as Christians. It allows us to understand God's will for our lives and how to pray in accordance with His plan.

By developing our discernment skills, seeking God's will, praying with faith and specificity, and expressing gratitude, we can strengthen our relationship with God and achieve the desires of our hearts.

Prayer Warriors